Friday, January 07, 2005

B & E

Last night someone kicked my door in. I was going to quit smoking today, but I guess it bothered me so much I didn't bother.

I don't know, I guess when they kicked in the door I must have woke up. I did hear noises outside my bedroom but asumed that they were in the hallway. My neighbour, the girl that likes next door, came into my apartment pushing open my bedroom door after she hear the break and enter, and because she hadn't hear anything from me, she half expected to see a corpse. She was calling out to me that I should get up, that my front door was open, that someone had broken in. Then I got it, I understood that my front door had been kicked.

In the morning I found the grounds manager, he told me to call the police to file a report. Someone else brought over some hand tools and rigged up the door. I'm sorta surprised that I was able to get back to sleep.

The police asked if I knew who would have done it, no - I don't really know anybody here. They told me to move - find someplace between 107- and 119 th street - that's where all the new town houses have been built. That I didn't need to fufill the 6 month lease if I said that I feared for my life. I don't think that I could affort those new town houses. I feel sorta funked out.

My appartment has been empty for a while. The grounds manager admitted that he had kicked out some poeple a few times. It's assumed that, well possible that the intruders where just looking for a place to sleep and believed that the place was empty. After entry was gained it would have been easy to realize that someone had moved in. And from what I remember of the 'sounds' that I thought were outside in the hall, they left almost right away. Thankfully they didn't venture into the bedroom. But as they left they took the keys that were in the dead bold.

The grounds manager changed the lock - shored up the door jam (a little), and I put some old gallery card on the door so as to hopefully point out that yes someone was now in the suit.

Honestly I don't want to go back. I feel scared for my safety. And now when people ask for change I give it to them.

The cops suggested that I got a 2 by 4 and brace the door at night. They asked me if I knew that there were people with mental problems in the building when I moved in. '"Well", he said , "it is Edmonton core...."

I don't know what to make of it.


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